Unit 7 Macroeconomic policy in the global economy
7.13 References
- CORE Econ’s Fact checker for a detailed list of sources.
- Chapters 12–14 of: Wendy Carlin and David Soskice. 2024. Macroeconomics: Institutions, Instability, and Inequality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, for further study of the material in this unit. PDF or interactive ebook versions of the full book can be accessed online.
- Arslanalp, Serkan, Barry Eichengreen, and Chima Simpson-Bell. 2024. ‘Dollar Dominance in the International Reserve System: An Update’. International Monetary Fund Blog. June 2024.
- Atish R. Ghosh, and Jonathan D. Ostry. 2009. ‘Choosing an Exchange Rate Regime’. International Monetary Fund Finance and Development 46. December 2009.
- Eichengreen, Barry, and Ugo Panizza. 2022. ‘Public Debt: Threat or Opportunity?’. The CORE Insight. April 2022.
- Sveriges Riksbank. ‘1992: Interest rate 500% – the krona floats’. Sveriges Riksbank official website.