
Consult Core Econ’s Fact checker for a detailed list of sources.

Building blocks


How economists learn from facts

When economists disagree

Great Economists

  • Adam Smith (1.2 History’s hockey stick)
  • Arthur Lewis (1.9 Structural transformation: From farm to firm)
  • Joseph Schumpeter (2.6 Modelling a dynamic economy: Innovation and profit)
  • John Nash (4.3 Best responses in the rice–cassava game: Nash equilibrium)
  • Vilfredo Pareto (4.5 Evaluating outcomes: The Pareto criterion)
  • Elinor Ostrom (4.6 Public good games and cooperation)
  • Herbert Simon (6.1 Exploding tyres: The mystery unravelled)
  • Karl Marx (6.7 Employment rents: The cost of job loss)
  • John Stuart Mill (6.14 Application: Another kind of business organization)
  • Augustin Cournot (7.8 Price setting, competition, and the market)
  • Joan Robinson (7.8 Price setting, competition, and the market)
  • Friedrich Hayek (8.1 How the American Civil War rocked global cotton prices)
  • Alfred Marshall (8.2 Buying and selling: Demand, supply, and the market-clearing price)
  • Léon Walras (8.10 Supply, demand, and competitive equilibrium: Is this a good model?)
  • Ronald Coase (10.3 Solving the problem: Private bargaining and property rights)
  • Arthur Pigou (10.4 Solving the problem: Regulation, taxation, and compensation)




Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10